Saturday, January 15, 2011

My Offerings...

I am ready to give myself up to this amazing calling. I am ready to support women and guide them in finding their power. I am ready to do my part in letting the world know that women are STRONG, women are CAPABLE, and women can give birth.

If I could do this for every woman, and I could do it for free, I would. I want my services to be accessible for everyone. But I also need to make sure I am doing this at the detriment of my own family's time and finances. I hope that the packages that I offer are flexible enough and accessible enough that all women who wish to have my support are able to. Please, anyone who would like to use my services and is having financial difficulties, contact me and I'm sure we will be able to work something out.

So here is a guide to the packages I offer. If there is something you feel is missing or if you have other needs, I am open to suggestions - after all, I want to provide individualised care that is tailored to each woman's needs.

FULL PACKAGE - Antenatal, birth and posptartum support
For a flat price of $399, you will receive:
~1 free initial meet/consultation, which can be done in person or over the phone*
~ 3-5 antenatal visits (these can be done in your own home)
~ Phone/email support throughout your pregnancy (plus 24/7 on call support from 38 weeks)
~Access to my lending library throughout your pregnancy and following the birth
~Attendance at your birth, including coming to your home during early labour if you wish.
~All unedited photographs of your birth on CD (photos can be edited for an additional fee), if you wish this to be part of my service.
~Up to 5 postnatal visits in the 6 weeks following birth

Antenatal and Postpartum Package
For a flat price of $249, you will receive:
~1 free initial meet/consultation, which can be done in person or over the phone*
~Phone/email support through your pregnancy, including phone support during your labour and birth if required
~Access to my lending library throughout your pregnancy and following the birth
~Up to 5 postpartum visits of ~1hr each (this can be negotiated)

Postpartum Package
For a flat price of $149, you will receive:
~6 postpartum visits of ~1 hour each, up to 6 weeks post birth**

*A 50% booking fee is required if you decide to use my services after the initial meeting/consultation. The remainder of the fee is to be paid by 38 weeks.

**Extra visits can be arranged for an hourly fee

I am flexible with payment options. I will happily accept payment plans and may be able to negotiate if you are experiencing financial difficulties.

What do the antenatal visits include?
Basically, whatever you would like them to. They can be as formal or informal as you wish. We can go over structured topics, or simply sit and chat and get to know each other. Some specific things that may be covered (and this is not an exhaustive list) include:

~Writing a birth plan
~Debriefing previous birthing experiences
~Exploring Ideas and fears around birth
~Preparing for parenting
~Preparing for breastfeeding
~Discussing pain relief options
~Choosing a care provider
~Discussing how your partner can support you
~Debriefing/Discussing any issues/problems/concerns re: your care providers
~Antenatal Testing and Screening

What does birth support include?
Again, this will depend on what you wish to get from having a doula. I am here to serve you. This could include, but is not exclusive to,
~Massage and positioning
~Natural pain relief
~Emotional encouragement and support
~Explaining medical procedures (benefits and risks of proposed actions and alternatives, including doing nothing)
~Supporting and encouraging your birth partner
~Taking photographs
~Help establishing breastfeeding if needed
~Providing food and drink to you and your partner

What does postpartum support include?
~Breastfeeding support
~Assistance with household tasks such as cooking, cleaning, washing, grocery shopping, etc
~Baby care
~Help with older siblings
~Taking the baby while allowing the mother to rest
~Debriefing the birth experience

I also offer maternity, birth, newborn and family photography - see my facebook page and blog for more information. Discounts apply to clients who combine birth support services and photography packages.

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